Summer Madness
Sheesh, I go on holiday for two weeks and I miss out on all the good stuff. Brad and Ange on the rocks? Looking at the cover of celeb magazines in the US you'd think they were definitely over but they've been out on the town to prove the opposite. Judging by Angelina's whippet-thin look, things can't be all that good. Some people might eat less when theyy're in love but they don't starve themselves as a rule. Odds on lasting out the year: lower than Britney's bikini line.
As we're talking about Britney, we might as well accept the fact that KFed will get the kids. He filed for primary custody of Sean and Jayden last week and is worried that Britney may be exposing the boys to "unnecessary risk." If unnecessary risk is leaving them at home while she's out drinking and whoring, then yes, he should get custody. Britney can barely walk in a straight line and she shaved all her hair off. Do we need more proof of her unfit parenting skills?

And then there's Mel Brown aka Scary Spice, who should really be known as Stupid Spice. Or Serial Monogamy Spice. Not content with getting knocked up by Eddie Murphy, she's now married some guy movie producer Stephen Belafonte. In Las Vegas, the beginning of many longterm, successful celebrity marriages (like Britney's 55-hour marriage to her childhood friend, for example). Belafonte is no picnic either - Belafonte is not his real name and he has convictions for assaulting a girlfriend. And he doesn't look at all like a scary-eyed psycho.
Mother Brown is understandably worried. "I think she's made a big mistake. How can you fall in love that quick? I'm desperate to speak to her. I feel like jumping on a plane and flying out to her, I'm so worried. I've read that he's got a conviction for assaulting his ex girlfriend and it really worries me." No shit.
Baby Spice has also been busy, this time producing a son called Beau. Of all the Spices, she seems the most sensible. She's had the same boyfriend for eight years and is not always out desperately hogging the limelight. Congratulations!
As we're talking about Britney, we might as well accept the fact that KFed will get the kids. He filed for primary custody of Sean and Jayden last week and is worried that Britney may be exposing the boys to "unnecessary risk." If unnecessary risk is leaving them at home while she's out drinking and whoring, then yes, he should get custody. Britney can barely walk in a straight line and she shaved all her hair off. Do we need more proof of her unfit parenting skills?

And then there's Mel Brown aka Scary Spice, who should really be known as Stupid Spice. Or Serial Monogamy Spice. Not content with getting knocked up by Eddie Murphy, she's now married some guy movie producer Stephen Belafonte. In Las Vegas, the beginning of many longterm, successful celebrity marriages (like Britney's 55-hour marriage to her childhood friend, for example). Belafonte is no picnic either - Belafonte is not his real name and he has convictions for assaulting a girlfriend. And he doesn't look at all like a scary-eyed psycho.
Mother Brown is understandably worried. "I think she's made a big mistake. How can you fall in love that quick? I'm desperate to speak to her. I feel like jumping on a plane and flying out to her, I'm so worried. I've read that he's got a conviction for assaulting his ex girlfriend and it really worries me." No shit.
Baby Spice has also been busy, this time producing a son called Beau. Of all the Spices, she seems the most sensible. She's had the same boyfriend for eight years and is not always out desperately hogging the limelight. Congratulations!
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Baby Spice, Brad Pitt, Scary Spice, Stephen Belafonte
Hmm I really don't like K-Fed but in the light of Brits latest escapades it seems like he is the most stable of the two and probably the best choice for the kids.
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