Friday, January 27, 2006

Hello Baby Jane

Anyone planning on a shot of Botox should be shown these pictures before going under the needle. Your wrinkles might be relaxed but the rest of your face will not work any more. Yes, that means you Teri Hatcher. You might starve yourself to look like a pre-pubescent girl but your twisted face makes you look old and desperate. You truly are a desperate housewife.

And Madonna's no better. Her tranny body looks good for a 47 year-old but her face looks like it's made of wax. And just a quick tip - no-one wants to see that far up your skirt.


Blogger soulmining said...

Jeez, for a split second I thought that was a photo of Michael Jackson... eek! Not a good look.

10:23 pm  
Blogger Mouthy Girl said...

Who is the emaciated freak sitting next to Madonna?

3:35 am  
Blogger Rocky (Racquel) said...

LOL soulmining! I thought the same thing!! Terri, honey, EAT A SANDWICH!

4:46 pm  
Blogger Mia said...

Oh my eyes, Mads pale legs are blinding...And Teri should get som help for that botox addiction and being that thin in that age are never healthy.

9:53 am  

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