Monday, October 30, 2006

Madonna and Child

With a newly acquired child to promote, Madonna is out on the PR trail. With Oprah already in the bag, Madonna is out and about proving to all and sundry that she's not only saving the poor and needy but she's making the ultimate sacrifice of all - she's actually carrying her own child. Things must be serious. Where's the entourage of nannies, PAs and general arsewipers usually in attendance?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord, you're back! Just when we'd nearly given up hope. Hurrah!

12:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it was her 9 year old daughter Lourdes who did her braid

7:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madonna will make a good Father figure.

7:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

larryphil thats just mean but you do have a point...Madonna is starting to look frightingly androgynious, poor kids they probably wondering who they are gonna call dad, Madonna or her not as famous husband...

10:34 am  

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