The Old and the Not So Young

It's not often that you see Rita Wilson (aka Mrs Tom Hanks) and Lindsay Lohan in the same sentence but here goes. Rita, who must be 50 if she's a day, is not the poster girl for tit tape. Or for the magic benefits of positive thought or weight training. No, she's the proud owner of a pair of silicon bags and, by God, everyone's going to get an eyeful. She might be wearing a floor length dress but that doesn't mean she's going to play by the age rules. She's got herself a rack and nothing is going to stop her flashing it about.
While Rita is busy retaining the pretence of youth between her fifth and tenth ribs, Lindsay is busy working on the raddled hag look. Age (and narcotics and booze and general hard living) are certainly withering her before she reaches 20. Her womanly assets are covered up (for once) but her face is careering towards 40 faster than Britney Spears in a doughnut shop. With Rita's rack and Lindsay's face you're already half way to building your own 40something Vegas waitress. All you need is Victoria Beckham's permatan and Britney's chunky thighs and you're there.
A Franken-waitress has been created! And she would probably serve some of the Franken-foods that have contributed to the physical deterioration of our species and our falling standards for beauty and health.
No kidding, JJ!
Rita is such a good looking lady...why deface herself like that???
I've always thought Rita Wilson resembled a horse, and couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. But at least she was dignified, and hadn't yet made a mess of herself with bad plastic surgery. Hells bells. Those fake knockers look ridiculous on her, and she better watch out, or she'll turn into Melanie Griffith if she's not careful.
*sigh* Not another fifties something siliconjunkie, don't hollywood have enough of those...I mean as many as they are, they and their oversized siliconvarts must be an outdated look by now...
And don't get me started on Linds, she used to be so pretty now she's looking like she is in her thirties, she will never keep her job as one of the hottest young stars in hollywood looking like this...Maybe she should take along vacation away from fame, drugs, alkohol and the job so she can get her shine back...
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