Brit and Kev: The End

We all knew it would happen and now it finally has. Britney has filed for divorce from Kevin Federline, freeloader and slack father extraordinaire. And she doesn't look too upset about it either. In fact, she's never looked better.
While dropping that extra fat (and I don't mean the baby weight) might be part of cutting Fed right out of her hair, it also suspiciously looks like the PR rehabilitation of Britney. After two years of slumming it with Fed and generally soiling her public image, Britters is doing her darndest to clean up her name. So it's back on the treadmill, out with the hair extensions and out in public doing wholesome things like ice skating and appearing on chat shows. It can't be long before she 'opens her heart' (ie rakes in the cash and simultaneously wins back her audience) to Oprah and a series of celeb magazines. It won't be long before Fed is doing the same but I'm guessing he's not going to be getting much sympathy after leaving one pregnant girlfriend for another woman with a much bigger bank balance.
Still not crazy about the dress -- she's one stubbed toe away from falling out of it -- but it's good to see her trying now. Just knowing K-Fed isn't hanging off her coattails makes her look better. Bring on the comeback, Brit!
I can't say I'm too crazy about that dress either - it just doesn't look right. And, can we straighten her twins up?!
I saw another picture of her, this time wearing a red dress and fishnet stockings, and that damn left boob of hers is STILL hanging down lower than the right one. Jesus.
I’m so happy Britney Spears divorced Kevin Federline he was a gold digger and definitely used Britney for her money. He turned her into white trash and that made me really mad because she was my favorite. I don’t believe she looks her best right now, maybe from when she was with Kevin. She was so much better with Justin and when she was doing her music. I hope she has a really awesome comeback because she definitely deserves one.
i agree with ercg. kevin was a gold digger adn everyone knows he was just in it for the money.i dont think he turned her into white trash though. she just didnt care how she dressed and she was pregnant for most of the relationship so maybe thats why she didnt look semi decent all the time. an no ercg, she was not better with justin. yes she could still work on her music. but justin and her realationship was that of like a little highschool one. but yes she does deserve a comeback.
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