Thursday, March 31, 2005

Texas soap opera massacre

Have we learnt nothing from the movie versions of The Avengers and Thunderbirds? TV into film doesn't go. Even the loose-limbed virility of Owen Wilson couldn't raise Starsky & Hutch above a piece of ironic but ultimately shoddy nostalgia.

These shows may have been essential viewing in the 1970s but, like fondue and Avocaat, their moment has passed. So I can only assume that the producers of Dallas: The Movie have been living under a rock in Madagascar for the last twenty years. Sue Ellen and Lucy rolling around the lawn of Southfork in a heated catfight might have cut the mustard in 1983 but who wants to watch a tepid rehash when you've got Desperate Housewives? Even one with Brad Pitt and Catherine Zeta Jones in it?

I'm just wondering who gets to play psychotic midget sexpot Lucy.


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