Monday, March 21, 2005

Drop the dead donkey

Just a few short months ago SJP was a happy woman. She was mulling over her next move and, most importantly, she was still in her 30s. Sex & The City was a fading memory but the whopping $38m Gap contract was helping to cushion the blow. A lot. With all that cash, SJP could, like her alterego Carrie Bradshaw, afford to slip on a handstitched Galliano ballgown to creosote the fence any time she liked. All she had to do was stick on a pair of cut-off jeans and a trilby from time to time and show the world that skinny white girls really can't dance.

But now Gap, maybe worried by SJP's rhythm deficit and advancing age, has traded her in for 17-year old singer Joss Stone. And if Joss can't dance then it really doesn't matter because she can certainly hold a tune. And do boho better than Sienna Miller.

In the week that she reaches that the big 40, SJP has finally realised that youth comes before couture.

SJP sees the future on her shoe


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