And Vietnamese boy makes four

No baby is special in the Jolie-Pitt household for long. With the exception of Maddox, who had Angelina to himself for a while before Zahara turned up, new kids are only new, shiny and special until Mom's eye goes roving again. So pity poor Shiloh. Not only has Angelina said that Shiloh isn't that special because she's had it easy in life (hope Angelina has started a therapy fund for the poor child), but there's going to be a new kid in the pram to suck up her parents' attention. Yes, that's right, the Jolie-Pitts have been foreign baby shopping again and this time they've got themselves a three and a half year-old Vietnamese boy. And they started shopping for him (or, as they like to say, started adoption proceedings) just after Shiloh was born in May. Not many parents would take home their third child and immediately start casting around for their fourth. Unless, of course, they're famous, got staff coming out of their arse and have some huge gaping chasm in their lives that wealth, fame and a relationship just can't plug.
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt
You know, they get on my last damn nerves adopting all of these kids. Don't get me wrong, I think adoption is a great thing, if you're doing it for the right reasons-- I just question why they're doing it-- ya know?
Looking at the bright side, they are doing a good thing by saving these kids frm their misery. However, I am not sure about the pace at which they are doing it
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