Wigging Out

So Madge has new hair. But is it real or is it a wig?
If it's real, then she's stuck with a style that makes her look severe and masculine. Finally she's found the haircut to match her personality.
If she's trying to cover up her ageing face how about trying the easy option? Food. That sinewy, hollow face would look a whole lot better with a bit of fat on it. Despite all this talk of scoffing sausage rolls and pints of ale, Madonna clearly never lets a milligram of fat pass her lips. You only have to look at her husband's pissed off face to see that.
Labels: Madonna
Is that Madge, it doen't look like her. More like some crossdressing male copy of her..
If she had bangs she would totally look like Hillary Clinton. Nice beige “I’m a professional woman” suit.
I can't understand why so many guys think of her as MILF.
Milf? More like BARF.
Where, oh where has our Lucky Cracker gone????? (5-22-07)
Perhaps you should direct Madge towards my food blog.
06/03/07.. Still no LC.. Where the hell did you go!?
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She doesn't look like her. Don't think it a wig, maybe she just cut her hair. I think she looks nice, mature. It finally suits her age.
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