Thursday, April 13, 2006

Drastic Instinct

Should any director want to remake Heidi, the tale of a mountain dwelling orphan, as a full-on horror film, they need look no further than Sharon Stone. This get-up could frighten the bejesus out of any child and grown adult alike. She might still have the body of a 25 year old but, by Christ, from the neck up she's beginning to scare me.


Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

Lucky Cracker, I adore you, and more often than not you are correct, but please, please, let Sharon Stone age! Let her have crow's feet! Let her have laugh wrinkles!! Dear lord, it could be worse...

She could be cher.

As for the Heidi movie, too late, I'm livin' it! xo

1:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Sharon's fine genius-level brain. It seems to be aging very well.

3:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her brain ages like unrefridgerated, unpasturized milk on an August day in Mexico City. Sharon stone is bonkers. Any of her latest interviews proove that. Bad skin and a bad brain; she's got no luck.

5:54 pm  
Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

Looks like she met with an unfortunate eyeliner accident.

11:34 pm  
Blogger maybetomorrow said...

HA - good one... I think it would be a "renter" though...

2:25 am  
Blogger Mouthy Girl said...

Sharon just needs to stop trying to hard. I like her. She's aged a hell of lot better than some icks in Hollywood.

But that damn smile and stylist-induced hair-do is making me wonder.

1:32 am  
Blogger Me said...

On a totally unrelated note I thought you might find this amusing. And if not, well, than don't.

4:34 pm  
Blogger macaroon said...

There is a bit of a Cruella D'Vil vibe going on here.

12:35 am  
Blogger Maria said...

been wondering if you are ok and if you'll post soon...

I hope all is well... miss your updates.

11:52 pm  

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