Monday, July 04, 2005


The line-up may have been full of old rockers (just who wants to see The Who? Hackneyed music and a kiddy fiddler?) but it didn't stop you getting sucked in. The concert did little to dispel a few facts: Dido really can't sing, Pete Doherty is only famous for mainlining, Mariah Carey is crackers, Madonna tries to stay hip by saying 'fuck' and Macca should lay off the hairdye and the surgery. And most of all, the British just absolutely love Robbie Williams even if he hasn't done anything notable for the last few years. All he has to do is trot out Angels and we all worship at his altar.

As for the Beckhams, the question as ever is why? Why let David talk? And why give Victoria any opportunity to pout on TV?

But it doesn't stop you from all doing your bit for Live8.


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