Saturday, March 04, 2006

Skinny love

I'm not sure which is more shameful. That she's so thin or that she's back with her nasty looking boyfriend. In fact, I think she's only back with him because he keeps her thin and therefore famous.

DJ AM, as he's pretentiously known, used to be obese. To shift the lard, all 324 pounds of it, he had a gastric bypass. Apparently he's as obsessed with his own weight as he is with Nicole's. He wants her to be superthin like him. As the architect of her new anoxeric shape, Nicole needs him there to say what she can or can't have, to point to 'tubby' photos on her fridge door and say 'do you want to look like that again? If you do, then I'm out of here'.

Nicole has only really stepped out of Paris Hilton's equally skeletal shadow since she started showing some ribs. If she wants to stay in the limelight, then she'll have to stay thin. Expect the wedding to AM to be back on sometime next week.


Blogger Mouthy Girl said...

I think I'm gonna throw up. I have no other words.

1:06 pm  
Blogger Undercover Angel said...

Wow - sounds like the guy has some real phsychological issues regarding his former weight. Maybe she should stay away until he's had some counselling and had some time to work on himself... She's thin enough, and she doesn't need some guy telling her she needs to be thinner.

1:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of amazing: get thin and get the limelight. No skills or talent required.

5:09 pm  
Blogger Rocky (Racquel) said...

I'm wondering if instead of sprinkling Equal on the morning bowl of Wheaties somebody is using cocaine instead. No accusations... just curiosity.

Both halves of this pair need some serious counseling.

6:15 pm  
Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

She's a recovered heroin addict. She's still got the addictive personality. She's just swapped shooting for starving. And her reward is, people like us talk about her all the time.
How do I know this? I've read Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. That girl is still an addict. Sadly, if we ignore her she won't go away but if we pay attention to her she'll be so good at starving that she really will disappear.

10:08 pm  

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