Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Odd Couple

steve at his peak

In the world of unlikely pairings Steve Martin and Kristin Davis are up there with Chris Rock and Olympia Dukakis. Or Jerry Seinfeld and Lindsay Lohan.

While his career as writer continues, Steve’s days as a film funnyman are over. It’s all been downhill since The Jerk and The Man with Two Brains, although Bowfinger gave you a brief glimmer of hope. He last took the lead in Cheaper By The Dozen and the film’s only big joke was the character’s name, Tom Baker. As a father of twelve kids, Tom had a Baker’s dozen. Ha ha. And Ashton Kutcher didn’t even want to be credited for his role so you can only imagine how good the film is.

All of which makes you wonder about Kristin. She’s clearly not going out with Steve to raise her celebrity stock. As the prim one in Sex & The City, she must have plenty of offers on the table. But her next movie is Houseboat – four divorced men living on a boat try to save a friend’s marriage – so maybe she needs all the leftfield celebrity help she can get.


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