Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Pacifier

Brad is so clearly not the boyfriend - he's just the nanny. Trailing along behind Angelina, Brad is just like any other nanny to the celebs. He's holding the kid, wearing wipeable trousers and he's got bad hair. Soon, you'll see him huddled in Starbucks with the other local nannies, drinking lattes and complaining about the parents while the kids write on the walls and are sick in their prams.


Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Yeah, but he is a good lookin' nanny!

4:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how Brad left Jen shortly after "Friends" was cancelled. She was making a million dollars an episode. Notice how Brad didn't work much at all during that time? Howard Stern pegged Brad from the start: he's in it for the money.

Let's see what happens when Angelina's income drops off. Don't be fooled by the "father" thing. Golddiggers will do just about anything.

5:45 pm  
Blogger ~Manda said...

"i aint saying he's a gold digger, but he aint messin with no broke women!" hee hee ;)
i still think he is HOTT! gold digger or not. sexi bitch baby YEAH! MORE PICS (gossip) of BRAD! ;)

6:55 pm  
Blogger The Wrathful Buddha said...

Wow, I love celebrities.

For a blog that covers random blogs and cultural randomness in general checkout: Randos in the Midst.

7:56 pm  
Blogger Scott said...

Brad is whipped!

10:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he just likes this sort of thing.... being a FATHER something that bitch of Jennifer maybe didnt give him !!!!

3:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't that kid ever walk?

3:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is good.
Digitalni fotoaparati

8:09 pm  

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