The Oscars
Has the voting jury for the Oscars changed or something? Are they letting registered charities have a go instead of Hollwood industry types? Because I'm sure that this year the association for the blind, and possibly deaf, selected the winners. Rachel Weisz? Best supporting actress? Give me a break. When you compare Rachel to Reese Witherspoon, who won best actress for Walk the Line, you just see a huge, gaping abyss between Rachel's redefinition of the word 'wooden' and Reese's natural, engaging style. And Brokeback Mountain doesn't get best actor or film?
Still, there's an upside. Next year members of the national association for Tourette's syndrome might get to present the awards.
And now for the dresses. Charlize Theron went for bows in a big way. Felicity Huffman got carried away with being famous. Jessica Alba needs to eat, as does Nicole 'Just call me Renee Zellweger' Kidman. Maggie Gyllenhaal looked her usual miserable and badly dressed self. Michelle Williams pulled off the yellow but then screwed it all up with a big Joker mouth. Only Keira Knightley actually looked good.
Whose is the worst?
Still, there's an upside. Next year members of the national association for Tourette's syndrome might get to present the awards.
And now for the dresses. Charlize Theron went for bows in a big way. Felicity Huffman got carried away with being famous. Jessica Alba needs to eat, as does Nicole 'Just call me Renee Zellweger' Kidman. Maggie Gyllenhaal looked her usual miserable and badly dressed self. Michelle Williams pulled off the yellow but then screwed it all up with a big Joker mouth. Only Keira Knightley actually looked good.
Whose is the worst?
Maybe Felicity Huffman was trying to make it clear that she's actually female and not transsexual?
Felicity should fire the idiot who suggested that frock. Holy Christmas!
The only person who looked worse? The chick in Charlize's pic...what in the FUCK was she thinking? Hello...are those shoes denim?
See, now I thought Michelle looked great - even with the joker mouth. Very pre-WWII Hollywood.
I'll give you bonus points for making me laugh out loud, though Lucky. I thought the EXACT SAME THING about Nicole. She's even starting to get the Zellweger squint! :-)
Charlize was the worst. Such a beautiful girl in one of the ugliest dresses I've ever seen.
Felicity's dress looked like it was on backwards.
Jessica needs to stop with the tanning.
Charlize is the worst. Hair, makeup, shoes, perfect, dress gets uglier with every look. Nicole, boring. So was J Aniston. Maggie, please, pull up the top and STAND UP STRAIGHT! I thought Michelle Williams looked wonderful. And Keira was perfect. When I get my Oscar, my gown will be made of flannel. Ha ha!
Maggie needs to buy a bra and a dress that fits her not a sack, and heidi is right she needs to stand up straight...She can slouch in her freetime and when she is wearing normal clothes...
hey rachel was amazing in the constant gardener, not wooden at all! but otherwise, yes to all of your comments. I wish N. Kidman would just go away. Maggie is obsessed with having saggy breasts, she must think it's like "her thing"
I think Charlize Theron looked beautiful. and that dress is soooo cool. come on, people if its different it doesnt mean its ugly.
Charlize is beautiful, no matter what. But the dress doesn't fit!!!! It makes her boobs look saggy and pointy!
Charlize is a beautiful woman no matter what you dress her in, but some dresses look a lot better on the runway than they do on real people. Maybe since she wasn't getting a lot of attention for North Country she figured she'd get everybody talking about the bow that ate Los Angeles instead.
The bow that ate L.A?
Where do you get all that stuff Rocky???
But I have to say it was rather funny...
michelle williams
i mean that is just SO weird.
and SO bad.
Well, you know..Jessica is brown to begin with...
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