Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Vaughnistons

Who could resist Vince Vaughn? I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I could, very easily. He looks like he just rolled in from an all-night drinking session topped off with a trip to Burger King. The man does not ooze sophistication as much as sweat, beer breath and burger fat. But you can see Jennifer's point: why pick another Brad Pitt just so that he can slope off with the pick of Hollywood? Better to pick some nice schlubb who hasn't grown up yet and clearly can't look after himself properly. Why would he leave you when you pick up his dry cleaning, make sure he eats broccoli once a week AND suck him off?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. However, at some point, I believe that Vince will move on.

Unfortunately, for Jennifer, the move won't be to someone with the stature of Angelina Jolie.

Vince will move to someone like an Anna Nicole Smith or a Tanya Harding or maybe a semi-reformed Rosie O'Donnell.

The result will be a much deeper humiliation for Jennifer than the Brad episode.

4:00 pm  
Blogger Mouthy Girl said...

Wait a second here. Look at Jen's hat. Now look at the hat in the hand of the person behind her. Exactly the same. Was this some concession sale or something?

Personally, I like the Vince man. I'd take his pudgey, unshaven, sleep-deprived self over the Bradmeister any day of the week.

1:17 am  
Blogger Heidi the Hick said...

He'd clean up okay. He's not the Sexiest Man Alive. But he also doesn't come off like the Biggest Jerk in the Universe.

Is he as much of a frat boy as he portrays himself? Cause that would get old fast.

2:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTH. hollywood guys ain't so nice anyway. just do a matt damon and engage yourself to some unknown wairess... or was it a hairdresser?

3:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer is totally doing what is right for her at this point in her life. Vince is a down to earth guy that likes to have a good time, but not be in the spotlight 24/7! i think he's cute and we all know if a guy is hott (brad) more than likely he will turn out to be a jerk!

5:02 pm  
Anonymous Trenton Kitchen Renovations said...

This is greaat

12:24 pm  

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