The NBF (New Bad Friend)

I know the feckless K Fed is going to try to take her for all she's worth but does Britney have to turn to prostitution? That's the only reason for wearing this 'dress'. And the professionally laddered tights. And you just know that Paris Hilton is egging her on. For once quite demure in a dress that covers both her nipples, Paris looks like the bad influence your mother warned you about. She'll encourage you to do things but never do them herself. "Sure, you'll look real hot but classy in that green dress," you can just hear Paris saying to Britney, knowing full well that the tacky ho dress will make her look elegant and make Britney look like she's working Santa Monica boulevard.
Labels: Britney Spears, Paris Hilton
Even the guy in the blue jacket looks classier than they do.
Whoa Britney... use a breast pump before you leave the house!
Paris's dress isn't so bad, but what is up with the one legged stockings?
Call me old fashioned, call me anti-feminist, call me cruel. Accuse me of setting the women's movement back 50 years. I can take the abuse.
She has a one year old and a two month old! She should be at home breastfeeding, and bathing them, and sleeping!
Okay? Maybe I'm just jealous because when I was her age I was doing those things and had no money and little help, but you know, those kids aren't going understand that Mommy needed her alone time.
Are you fucking kidding me here? What the hell is she wearing?
Am I the only one who gets the creeps thinking about Paris and Brit together?
Lady S...a report I saw the other night said that Paris went IN with both legs covered in stockings. She and Brit walked out...each with ONE leg. Who's swapping what in these clubs?
She really wants the judges to give the kids to K Fed wich will probably fuck them up in more ways than one...The way she is acting now she isn't really mother of the year material...
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