Three's a crowd

You just know that this threesome is going to be trouble. Take one celebrity delinquent, a moneyed airhead and a newly single pop star with serious white trash roots and you get a truly frightening combination. While taking copious drugs, wearing no knickers and sleeping with random famous people is par for the course for LiLo and Paris, Britney is taking her public rehabilitation way off course by running around town every night with these two. After lowering her stock with K Fed, the last thing she needs to do is take it further into the gutter. Or, with these two in charge, into the sewer. It will take some judge to deem her worthy of sole custody of her kids when she spends her entire time getting her extensions in, her tits out and her rocks off.
Labels: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton
Pleeeaase tell me that that photo is a composite of three other pictures and that the three of them were never in the same car together. Actually none of them should be allowed behind the steering wheel of a car. Ever. But them together...
It just keeps getting worse.
I don't know, looks like fun to me!
Such a shame. Someone needs to jerk a knot in Brit. The other two skanks have nothing to lose. She, on the other hand, has everything going out the door.
We're going to see lots of troubles in the up coming months. Please be prepared!
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